Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Rainbow Cake in a Jar - the UNfail

Okay, I'll admit it...I really procrastinated making this post. Why? No idea, I mean, how difficult can it be to layer cake in a jar? Well if you have OCD like I do, it's no cake walk.

Oh, and to make things even better, this will not be a "rainbow" cake, it will be a red/green/purple cake, because one of my four-legged family members insists on carrying my gel colors around in their mouth, and then I never see them again.

First step....CLEAN mason jars.

I mixed up my cake mix according to the directions on the box and divided it into 3 bowls.

Then I added coloring to each (there is more green so I could separate the layers).

Next, I layered it into my jars (green, purple, green, pink, green), trying to level out each layer by tapping the jar on the counter. That didn't seem to work out so well =(

Once my jars were about 3/4 full (and I was out of cake batter) I placed them in a baking dish and added about 1/2" of water, and popped them in a 350°F oven for 35 minutes.

When the timer went off, I checked them with a skewer, and they weren't quite done, so I gave them another 6 minutes. When the timer went off again, I removed them from the oven and the water bath, and let them cool. The cake shrunk a bit while it was cooling, and I was curious so I decided to dump one out.


The cake did grow above the jars, so next time I think I would use a 4th jar, and only fill them halfway.

After they were completely cooled, I leveled the top and added a little bit of frosting and A LOT of sprinkles.

(UN?)fortunately, I am not eating cake right now, so I used my boyfriend as a guinea pig, he proceeded to eat the contents of the jar in one sitting.

My cakes were fully baked, and they did not ooze all over the outside of the jars or the oven, so I'm going to go ahead and call this an UNfail.

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